Recruitment of skilled workers from third countries.

With skill scout, you open your company to global talent. We help you discover and attract outstanding minds from around the world. We efficiently, targetedly, and boundlessly find the best talents for your needs and help you retain them sustainably in your company.



Our candidates are characterised by empathy, a willingness to learn and the ability to provide excellent care. They have many years of experience and specialise in acting professionally and with the utmost care in every situation.


Our talented service staff understand the art of welcoming guests and exceeding their expectations. They are well prepared to cater to the individual needs of each person to create unforgettable experiences.


Our talent pool for the industrial sector is characterised by a variety of highly qualified specialists. These include welders, engineers and technicians who are familiar with the latest technologies and methods.

why skill scout?

Recruiting expertise

We have many years of experience and expertise in recruiting personnel from third countries to Austria.

Legal certainty

We ensure compliance with all relevant legal frameworks.

Cost efficiency

We offer a transparent and cost-efficient pricing model.

Market knowledge

We know the job market and the needs of our customers precisely.

Customer proximity

We offer personal and individual consulting and support for our customers.

Long-term partnership

We strive for long-term and cooperative relationships with our customers.

Intercultural competence

We have intercultural competence and support you in integrating your new employees.


We adapt our services flexibly to your needs.


We speak German, English, Spanish, and other languages.

our process

1. Briefing & needs analysis

Based on the analysis of the need for skilled workers, a detailed job profile is created, specifying the sought-after employees – including work experience, qualifications, and language skills. Additionally, the number of required skilled workers and the desired start date are specified.

Which employees are being sought?

  • Detailed job description (work experience, qualifications, language skills, etc.)
  • Number of skilled workers needed
  • Desired start date

2. Definition of target countries

The definition of target countries is based on criteria such as the availability of skilled workers with the desired qualifications, wage levels, political and economic stability, and linguistic and cultural proximity to Austria. A thorough analysis of these factors enables the evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of each third country.

Which countries are of interest?

  • Availability of skilled workers with the desired qualifications
  • Wage levels
  • Political and economic stability
  • Linguistic and cultural proximity to Austria

Advantages and disadvantages of each third country:

  • Detailed analysis of relevant factors

3. Coordination of the timeline

To ensure a smooth recruitment process, a detailed timeline of milestones and deadlines is defined, considering all relevant factors, including visa processes and language courses.
  • Definition of milestones and deadlines
  • Consideration of all relevant factors (e.g., visa processes, language courses)

4. Recruiting und Vorselektion

Through partnerships, skilled workers are found via online platforms, local recruitment agencies, and university outreach. A personal consultation, followed by assessment and language aptitude tests, helps evaluate the suitability and potential of the candidates.

With the support of our partners, we find the skilled workers you are looking for:

  • Use of established online platforms
  • Collaboration with local recruitment agencies
  • Direct approach to universities and technical colleges

We consult with interested skilled workers in a personal on-site meeting:

  • Introduction of the company and the position
  • Review of qualifications and motivation
  • Clarification of mutual expectations

Assessment test and language aptitude test:

  • Pre-selection of the most suitable candidates
  • Assessment of language level and potential

5. Get to know each other (online or in person)

After the pre-selection, you will have the opportunity to meet the candidates in personal interviews. In these interviews, you can assess the candidates’ professional and personal qualifications and ensure they fit your company.

The suitable skilled workers will be introduced to you:

  • Presentation of candidate profiles
  • Online interviews (optional: personal meetings)

You conclude a preliminary contract/service contract with the desired skilled workers:

  • Securing mutual commitments
  • Setting the conditions

6. Language Courses in the Home Country

After the preliminary contract, the selected candidates from Colombia, Brazil, or the Philippines begin an intensive German course focused on job-specific terminology. Additionally, any knowledge gaps are identified with the option for remedial courses.

After the preliminary contract, the selected candidates start the language courses:

  • Intensive German courses (adapted to the candidates’ levels)
  • Focus on job-specific terminology

Assessment of knowledge gaps:

  • Identification of deficiencies
  • Organization of remedial courses (optional)

7. Bootcamp (optional, but highly recommended)

The bootcamp combines German courses with job-related training and social integration. Participants live in dedicated accommodation during the program and benefit from comprehensive support. For 6-12 weeks before departure to Austria, participants are extensively prepared for life and work in Austria.
  • Intensification of German language skills
  • Deepening of job-specific terminology
  • Preparation for working life in Austria
  • Team-building activities
  • Cost advantage compared to a course in Austria

The bootcamp is aimed at skilled workers from third countries who want to work in Austria. Participants have completed vocational training and have good English skills. It consists of three phases:

Phase 1 | Advanced German course: Participants are brought to the required language level through practical exercises.

Phase 2 | Job-related training: Participants are prepared for their specific tasks in Austria. This includes job-specific training as well as topics such as intercultural communication and Austrian work culture.

Phase 3 | Social integration: We assist participants in finding housing, schools for accompanying children, registering with authorities, obtaining necessary documents, and integrating into social life in Austria.

The benefits

  • Fast integration: By combining German courses and job-related training, the time until the skilled workers are ready for deployment is shortened.
  • High quality: The courses are led by experienced Austrian trainers in the respective countries, ensuring the quality of the training through the guidance of these recognized instructors.
  • Lower costs: The bootcamp offers an attractive price-performance ratio compared to individual measures.
  • Less administrative effort: We take care of organizing the stay, accommodation, training, and catering.

8. Professional Recognition & Nostrifikation

The professional recognition or nostrification process begins abroad with support for application and preparation for the proficiency test. Skilled workers are prepared for their tasks in Austria through introductions to the work culture and relevant information.

If necessary, the professional recognition or nostrification process is started abroad:

  • Support with the application
  • Preparation for the proficiency test

The skilled workers are prepared for their tasks in Austria:

  • Introduction to the Austrian work culture
  • Provision of relevant information (e.g., social security, housing)

9. Visa and Entry Preparation

At the beginning of the language courses, the necessary documents for departure and entry are defined, and candidates are supported in organizing and applying for them to ensure a smooth start in Austria. Additionally, support is provided for entry, finding accommodation, and dealing with authorities, as well as intercultural training.
  • At the beginning of the language courses, the necessary documents for departure from the home country and entry into Austria are defined.
  • We support the candidates on-site in organizing all relevant documents and applications needed for the skilled worker to start in Austria.
  • We support the skilled workers you have selected with entry and access to the Austrian job market: assistance with dealing with authorities, support in finding accommodation & intercultural training.

10. Aftercare

After entry, skilled workers receive support in integrating into the company and society as well as in solving problems. Regular communication with all stakeholders plays an important role.

Support for skilled workers after entry:

  • Assistance with integration into the company and Austrian society
  • Solving problems and challenges
  • Regular communication with all stakeholders.

your advantage

  • Precise selection of highly qualified skilled workers:
    Our experienced team and our partners select the best skilled workers that precisely meet your requirements. The skilled workers we recruit are highly qualified, loyal, motivated, and ready to work for you long-term and immigrate to Austria.
  • Serious and high-quality recruitment:
    We work locally with renowned agencies that stand for serious and high-quality recruiting. Additionally, we take care of the complete accreditation.
  • Comprehensive preparation & training for quick integration:
    The skilled workers are prepared for your company culture on-site and in Austria. Specific preparation of the skilled workers for their future work environment through international training partners. We ensure an equivalent and high-quality linguistic education to guarantee quick professional registration and seamless integration into the work routine.
  • Complete support & minimal drop-out rate:
    From pre-selection to administrative matters such as visas, work permits, residence permits, and nostrification decisions – we accompany you as an employer throughout the entire migration process. Through continuous monitoring and, if necessary, adjustments, we minimize the drop-out rate and ensure optimal preparation and adaptation of the skilled workers to the Austrian market.
  • Expansion of the talent pool while saving costs:
    Recruiting personnel from third countries can help you reduce costs. At the same time, you gain access to a larger pool of skilled workers, making it easier for you to find the best talents.
  • Improvement of diversity – without language barriers:
    Recruiting personnel from third countries can increase diversity in your company, positively impacting company culture and innovation. Most skilled workers already speak English, facilitating communication and integration and/or they complete job-preparatory German language courses in their home country beforehand.

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